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  1. 引导与招呼

  -Morning, Sir. May I show you around ? -早上好,先生。我带您参观一下我们展位吧?

  -May I have your name card ?-能要一张您的名片吗?

  -①Sorry, I just run out of my card.-抱歉,我的名片刚用完了。

  -It's OK. Could you write the information down here?-没关系,您能把相关信息写一下吗?

  -②Sorry, I just have one last card.-抱歉,我只剩最后一张名片了。

  -Doesn't matter. I can take a photo of it.-没关系,我将名片拍个照就行。

  -Our factory is based in Shenzhen. The main products are AAA and BBB.-我们工厂在深圳,主要产品有AAA和BBB。

  -May I know what products you are interested in?-您对哪方面的产品感兴趣呢?

  -You can leave your heavy collections here, my colleague will take care of it.-您可以把收集到的这些重的彩页资料放在这儿,我同事可以帮忙照看。

  -That will be great. They are heavy.-那太好了,这些资料好重。



  2. 产品与报价

  -I'm interested in this model.Tell me about it.-我对这款产品很感兴趣。给我介绍一下吧。

  -Well. This is our latest model. It seems very popular on this exhibition. What special about it is the aluminium surface to be vandal-proof and the dented LOGO which gives a premium appearance.-这是我们的新品,貌似这款在本次展会上很受欢迎。它的独特之处在于表面采用铝合金从而具备防暴功能,金属压铸的LOGO给人感觉很高端。


  -Could you quote on this model?-能告诉我这款的报价吗?

  -Of course. May I have a rough idea about the quantity?-当然。您能告知大概的数量吗?

  -It depends on the size of projects.-这要看具体项目的规模。

  -I see. Why not having a cup of coffee? We can sit and talk.-明白了。给您来杯咖啡吧?咱们坐下来谈。

  -I'd love to.-很乐意。


  -The MOQ of this model is 500pcs. It is Ok for you?-这款产品的最小起订量是500台,您对此有问题吗?

  -500 pcs is too much. When we get small projects like 300 or 400 pcs, how could we do?-五百台太多了。当我们拿到的项目仅需要三四百台时,怎么办?

  -If most of your cases are less than 500pcs, we could not accept it. If most of them are over 500 pcs while only a few times less than 500pcs, we can figure it out.-如果大多数订单都少于500台,我们无法接受。如果多数订单都超过五百,仅仅几次少于五百台,我们可以想办法。

  -That's reasonable.-这比较合理。

  -What's the average quantity of your order please? Maybe I can quote on it.-您的平均采购量是多少?或许我能基于这个数据给您报价。

  -It would be around 900pcs.-大概是900台。

  -Alright.(计算器计算一下,然后表情郑重一点给客户报价,显得你很认真。)Based on 900 pcs, our quotation is $295/piece.好的,基于900台的数量,我们的报价是295美金一台。

  -Oh,that is a little bit higher than your competitors.-这个价格比你同行要高一点。

  -Yes, as you know, we have different types of products too. This is the high-end one. It wouldn't be fair if you compare the price of it to the price of average products from our competitors.-是的,您知道,我们也有很多不同款的产品。这款产品是高端产品。如果您拿它的价格和同行的普通产品的价格比较,有失公允。

  -But the price is still higher than what we expect.-但是价格还是比我们预期要高。

  -We have other products which will meet your price demand. But trust me, you'll get more profit to sell the new model than the cheap ones. The margin is higher. Anyway, we can provide you a full price range of products.-我们也有其他产品符合您的价格预期,但是相信我,这款新品能够给您带来比老款更高的利润,它的差价比老款有更大空间。不管怎样,我们可以提供各种价位的产品给您。

  -Yes, you surely have a complete range of products.-嗯,你们的产品系列确实很齐全。



  -This is a small gift for you.-这是送给您的一点小礼品。


  -Do you mind taking a photo with me?-您是否介意和我拍张合影?

  -Would you mind me adding your Skype or Wechat/ LinkedIn/ Whatsapp and send you the photo?-您是否介意我加一下您的skype/微信/LinkedIn/Whatsapp,我把照片发给您。



